Wednesday, February 09, 2005

hugs from abby

hugs from abby
Originally uploaded by reallyneedanap.
We were taking this picture and she hugged my neck so tight. It was one of those, "Oh that hug feels so good" hugs. The kind that kids do so well....

Sophie is entertained

sophie mom
Originally uploaded by reallyneedanap.
When we took this, Abby was amused as Joshua was pretending to be SpongeBog. She kept saying "Do it Dosh" to make him do it again...

Momma's boy

caleb mommy
Originally uploaded by reallyneedanap.
No surprises here, Caleb is adjusting well! He is lovin' it here. He's the king of the playground. Lately, he's been making his momma's heart melt w/ random hugs at seemingly just the right time. He's mastered the art of doing it in a manly sort of "this is nice but I don't wanna be seen doing it" way.

My lil' man

josh mom
Originally uploaded by reallyneedanap.
Josh is doin a great job being helpful, making friends, being patient as we get settled, and buckling down on his studying... He da man!

eskimo kisses

eskimo kisses
Originally uploaded by reallyneedanap.
My Bethany, the princess in the house. She's been quite the lil' helper here. She's anxious to have her room all set up. She's been a ray of sunshine on some days when I just haven't been able to stay motivated to get the unpacking done. What would I do w/o my Bethany?